We except BC/BS, Medicare, Medicaid, walk ins $105.00
Hormone Replacement therapy replaces lost hormones. Hormones control many of your body's basic functions from tempature, to mood to digestion. When you have a hormone imbalance symptoms, such as sweating and mood swings, can disrupt your life. HRT can replace those depleted hormones to prevent unwanted symptoms.
Many individuals with hormone imbalances can benefit from hormone replacement therapy. The most common uses for HRT are to treat the symptoms of menopause and low testosterone. The need to promote balance may also include younger patients with environmental disruptions in hormone expression as it pertains to metabolic syndromes and PCOS.
Studies show that hormone replacement therapy can help reduce risk of many chronic conditions including diabetes and osteoporosis.
Michelle will perform a wide range of tests before recommending HRT. She will also review your medical history and order blood work to check your hormone levels. The natural approach may also include dry urine testing with Meridan Valley Labs to determine levels of cortisone, progesterone, testosterone and estrogen. Finally, Michelle will work with you to determine the best hormone delivery method from common types such as patches, creams or oral delivery. Once initiated, hormone therapy is evaluated in intervals and regularly assesses to ensure the treatment is working. THormonal balance in all of the adrenal system allows for a more vibrant and fulfilling life.
Some symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance includes increased body fat, fluid retention, depression, decreased libido, clotting increases, effects on blood sugar control and headaches. There are many environmental offenders that can disrupt the effectiveness or compete with hormone signals and actions such as BPA in plastics, Dioxin, Atrazine, Phthalates, Fire Retardents, Organophosphate pesticides and Glycol ethers. These culprits interfere with the body messages within the hormone pathways causing symptomology in each patient. The restoration of balance and elimination of the offenders may lead to a better outcome for the patient.