We except BC/BS, Medicare, Medicaid, walk ins $105.00
Allergy testing determines whether you have an allergy. Allergies are overreactions from your immune system--your body's natural defense mechanism. The immune system uses proteins called antibodies to ward off foreign invaders, like infections and viruses.
When you have an allergy, exposure to the allergen, the substance you're allergic to, causes the immune system to release antibodies. This sparks an allergic reaction, which can cause swelling, itching, sneezing and even life-threatening respiratory symptoms. Allergy testing identifies your allergens to prevent sever reactions. UnTo can develop a comprehensive treatment plan that keeps you safe and health.
UnTo performs multiple types of allergy testing that can include: blood tests to evaluate not only environmental but food allergies. Food allergies and sensitivites cause inflammation that may lead to other interruptions in health processes such as arthritis, gastric or intestinal inflammation and congestion. Testing for food sensitivities and allergies is one of the first steps to creating your own specialized anti-inflammatory diet. Blood testing is to be done with Alletess Medical Laboratory.
You should seek an allergy test if you experience symptoms of allergies for two week or longer. Common allergy symptoms found in different body aries may include"
The effects of foods may not be immediate in their actions but do affect the overall health and well-being of a patient. The testing creates a report that outlines clearly the offenders and also the dietary guidelines with a menu to allow for the patient to heal and avoid the foods that cause the problem.
Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening allergy symptom that can signfiicantly restrict your breathing and requires immediate emergency treatment.